Thursday, 12 March 2009

What am I doing up at 02.20am?

This is a question I ask myself regularly. It's probably because when I'm up in the night after settling my son who has:

a) lost his dummy
b) lost his bear
c) lost his blankie
d) all of the above

I start thinking.

Oh dear.

I then check my e-mails, and then my recent posts on several business and Mummy related forums, and then my blog to see if anyone else is up at this ridiculous hour (er no)... and before you know it, its morning and I'm still tired whilst everyone else in the house has at least had a decent nights sleep.
I decided earlier today that I must be a little bit mad....the odds are stacked against me but still I look for more things to occupy my already busy mind. Its a good job I don't have a very small child (who is learning every day to be ever so slightly more destructive), a hubbie who is out of work and a business to get up and running. Still life would be dull if there weren't at least 100 distractions to contend with.

So, where am I on this path to personal fulfillment? Well, my research is well underway, my website design is a mass of post it notes on some brown paper (learnt that somewhere whilst working for an arty farty company) and I now feel as though I have something worthwhile to contribute to my local Mummy community. If only my personal life was so well ordered...

What I want to know is - how many entrepreneurial Mums out there worry about the following:

1) Grey hairs
2) Grey hairs on legs
3) Any hairs on chin
4) Size of tummy, boobs and hips
5) Still looking pregnant when not
6) Yummy Mummies and their apparent take over of the world
7) Victoria Beckham disappearing into her own head
8) Networking
9) Not networking
10) Dog having a poorly tummy and transferring all manner of germs to an already sick son
11) World supplies of chocolate running low - best buy up all the Wispas before they disappear again
12) Will anyone read this blog?
13) Will anyone hate this blog?
14) What am I doing up at 02.33....revert to top of post.....