Yes, I have committed the worst sin of blogging. Going AWOL.
To be fair, I do have my reasons but there is no excuse for not sharing my anxst with my fellow bloggers, after all, why should I go through lifes little challenges alone?
So, a quick update.
Oscar is doing absolutely fine. 6 teeth now, I should know, I've felt every single one of them sink into my bare flesh at feeding time. Nearly walking, regularly falling over, not mastered any words yet but can trump on demand.
Hubby - also fine. Has all of his teeth still, is walking, regularly falling over, has definitely mastered a full vocabulary (mostly consisting of "where is" or "what do I do with"). Definitely can't discuss his wind via this forum.
Me - OK. Business plans on slight hold for the minute, anticipating a slightly later than expected launch date due to some shall we say, considerable challenges.
Oh and also pregnant again. Yes expecting No 2. Ever so slightly tired (suffering from lack of iron), feeling sick regularly and eating chips for england but at the same time overjoyed.
The most strange thing has happened in relation to this momentous occasion. I seem to have "synched" with my friends. No less than 3 of my closest friends are all expecting (and didn't expect to be) within 4 weeks of my due date. So we can now swap bloating stories, food stories, memory loss stories.....can't remember what other stories...
The major bonus for me this time round is not that I've been there once before and therefore slightly more prepared for the aftermath that is the first few months with a new born, neither is it that hubby is also better prepared and is at home to help me with both adorable children. It is simply that Kerry Katona is not due to give birth at the same time as me....hurrah.
Yes, I'm back.
How to revise for GCSE exams
5 years ago
Hey - I wondered where you'd got to - good to see you back - and with some fantastic news!!! Yay. Congratulations. Hope you're not feeling too hideous x
Congratulations!!! although you didn't need to go through the whole pregnancy bother to have another child. I have got 2 for sale here. They are both snotty and grumpy and made my day hell today, so actually I would be more than happy to offer you a discount... only kidding of course... I would pay you to take them... :)
Happy to hear from you again!
COngrats! Same thing happen with me when I had baby #2; four were due within a month of each was nice. On my own with baby #3 (that's nice too 'cos everyone as older kids so have loads of time to cuddle a baby; useful when I need an hour to get stuff done!) Hope sickness isn't too bad(it's the pits bah!)
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