Monday, 22 February 2010

Has it really been that long?

OMG - I have neglected myself. I say myself because my blog was one of my only release mechanisms for all of my crap. I think the neglect may have something to do with having another baby, Will, now 4 months old. I can't remember a time when there was opportunity to be creative, think, explore how I feel about things and just generally offload. My needs and wants have had to take a massive back seat and I'm lost in a sea of nappies and sick spots on my jumpers.

But it is lovely to see my two boys interact (which usually involves Oscar poking Will in the tummy, resulting in a huge gurney grin from the baby) and I wouldn't swap it for the world. This kind of explains why I am closing down this blog and starting another. My priorities have had to change as has my attitude to being independent for a while and so my life is taking on a new direction.

Thanks to everyone who has followed me (albeit for a short while) and be warned, I will be back...

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